The Greatest Show on Earth?

Laurence Spiegel was my first political hero. Never heard of him? Don't worry - nor had Google the last time I checked. The one and only time I worked on the campaign team for a British General Election it was for Laurence Spiegel . That was an important election for two reasons: despite polls showing a clear advantage…

Embracing the taxman

The most idiosyncratic teacher from my schooldays died last week. Feared by the new boys, persecuted by the middle school and respected by the senior pupils, he was the quintessential British schoolmaster of the mid-to-late twentieth century. Armed with a library of twenty aphorisms (I can, to this day, repeat every one by heart  including his motto: "I may be fairly…

The Yanks are coming

This post is dedicated to the memory of Orni El-Ad, my mentor and friend, who introduced me to the world of taxation and taught me how to "think tax". Orni died suddenly this weekend at the premature age of 64. May his memory be blessed. "The Children's Book" by A S Byatt is, without doubt, one…